Dance performance “Indigo. Das Schliemann Projekt” is a story about an (un)attainable dream, a passionate and fierce pursuit of a goal, truth and lies, image and reality, and the never-ending search for the true self, a kind of self-archaeology.
The play is inspired by the colourful and contrasting biography and personality of Heinrich Schliemann, the 19th century entrepreneur, polyglot and discoverer of the historical Troy, and the story of the discovery of Troy.
In 2022, Klaipėda celebrated the 770th anniversary of the city’s foundation, and Europe celebrated the 200th anniversary of the birth of Heinrich Schliemann, one of the discoverers of the cradles of its origins, who started the excavations of Troy.
It can be assumed that Klaipėda, or rather its port, was partly responsible for the discovery of the ancient settlements from which today’s European civilisation derives.
Important: The performance uses intense light and sound installations, which may affect people with sensitivity or epilepsy. The performance is not recommended for children under 7 years old. The set (“blue ashes”) is not a toy. Please take care not to let your child climb onto the stage and get them in their mouth or respiratory tract. In our experience, the ashes are safe and only fall close to the stage and do not reach the audience. We recommend wearing face masks for extra protection.
You can book your tickets here:–seiko-sokio-teatras–klaipeda-454256/