20 December at 17:30 The exhibition “SKAITMENĖ KATASTROFA” by the duo “Polyrabbit.Duplicate” opens at the KCCC Exhibition Hall until 19 January.
“The duo of Darius Jaruševičius and Ina Šilina, the creators of Polyrabbit.Duplicate, transfer the authorship of the films and paintings to an animated character, who creates documentary stories in the various forms of painting.
Polyrabbit.Duplicate is a fictional character from the monumental animation series Polyrabbit.Duplicate, which embodies the contemporary media consumer, who does not face the physically tangible threats of the media news stream, but who experiences and perceives the outside world through social networks. The rabbit is a very popular character in animated cartoons, an animated figure that identifies with both important world events and the personal content of social media users. It is not unlike Protheus, the early sea god of Greek mythology, who changes his form. Polyrabbit.Duplicate remains the same on the surface, but its worldview, ideology and the plasticity of its movement and emotions change as it encounters new events.
In this exhibition, Polyrabbit.Duplicate contributes to the vision of recovering the Baltic Curonian identity of the Klaipėda region. The returned Curonians are engaged in archaic businesses in the present-day Klaipėda landscape. Just as the resurgent Highland tribe is recreating the pre-atomic identity of Visaginas.
The digital catastrophe in Polyrabbit.Duplicate occurs when an animation image collides with the surfaces of carpets in a digital medium, and then attempts to make sense of this collision in a material way. The projection of the animated image onto the carpet becomes a non-copyable model, which is attempted to be “remapped” by copying it onto the extremely dense material of the carpet. Hence Polyrabbit.Duplicate’s ironic look at difference and repetition.