St. John’s Day 2024

2024-06-22 - 2024-06-22


Jono kalnelio sala
Jono kalnelio sala

On the evening of the 23rd (or 22nd) of June, Klaipėda traditionally hosts the St. John’s Day. In the celebration of the longest summer day and the shortest night, those who had the privilege to be named John are decorated with braided wreaths of herbs, people sing, dance and jump over bonfires. Folklore collectives and neo-folklore groups from Klaipėda and other regions of Lithuania take part in the celebration.

  • 14:00 – Green market and ethnographic games.
  • 19:30 – The beginning of St. John’s day celebration
    • Mysteries of the grassland and spells
    • Wreath making
    • Congratulating and celebrating all the John’s (Jonai) , Janine’s (Janinos) and Rasa’s
    • Song and dance circles with a cappella “Sadūnai” and folklore ensembles.
    • Duet of “URAGANIUS and AIRA”
    • Saulius Petreikis and group concert