Orientation game for teams “Code Klaipėda”


Tired of sitting at home? Visited by relatives? Join us for a game full of adventure and discovery! Grab him/her, mum, dad, sister, brother, grandma, grandpa, grandson or granddaughter and take on the challenge to unlock the most interesting secrets of Klaipėda…

When? If you have several teams, we will organise it at a time convenient for you. If you have one team, please register and take part on Thursdays at 18:00. There is no limit on the age or number of participants, and the game is organised for teams of 4+.

With whom? The team is made up of families – parents and children, grandparents and grandchildren, aunts, uncles… Team size 2-7 people.
Where and how? Armed with maps and activities, you will spend 2 memorable hours in the heart of Klaipėda city, moving around actively.

Registration is required at least 24 hours before the event. before the event.